Stronger control over ESHOT flights

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality ESHOT General Directorate has increased its ability to respond immediately to disruptions that may occur during the day due to various reasons, especially traffic. Thanks to the tablets distributed to the dispatchers working in the field, all routes and buses will be monitored instantly.
ESHOT General Directorate, which meets about half of all boarding of public transportation vehicles in İzmir, has undertaken an important work in order to run the flights in a much healthier way. Satellite-connected industrial tablets were distributed to all dispatchers working at transfer centers and main stops throughout the city.
ESHOT General Manager Erhan Bey said that there may be disruptions in the flights during the day due to various reasons, especially traffic. Emphasizing that they aim to produce instant solutions to the problems that affect the operation of the service and that may make citizens victims, Mr. Thus, it will have the opportunity to intervene quickly in possible problems. For example, he can immediately see the accident or malfunction on any line and immediately perform the necessary operation.”
Contribution to service quality
Underlining that they attach importance and priority to service improvement efforts, Mr. Bey stated that the improvement to be achieved in the field will quickly reflect on the citizens benefiting from the service. Noting that ESHOT Call Center can also monitor satellite-related data instantly, Mr. added that incoming calls can be answered much faster and more satisfactorily thanks to the system.
What benefits will it provide?
§  The benefits of satellite-connected tablets will be:
§  More data will be accessible electronically, accurately and quickly.
§  It will enable instantaneous interventions operationally.
§  Instant tracking of the vehicles on the expedition, in the decisions to be taken by the dispatchers (Line Change, Time Change,
§  Reinforcement Expedition, etc.) will provide convenience.
§  It will be possible to follow up the services that are performed or not performed electronically.
§  Efficiency in business processes related to transportation service delivery will increase.
§  ESHOT Call Center will be able to provide much more qualified service.