İZTAŞIT Period Begins In Public Transportation


Izmir Metropolitan Municipality takes control of transportation cooperatives working in rural districts under the control of ESHOT General Directorate and integrates them into the public transportation network

Eshot buses called İZTAŞIT depart from Seferihisar in place of minibuses.

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality is undersigning an important project that will improve public transportation opportunities to the citizens living in rural districts. Private public transportation companies of rural districts which usually serve with minibuses are included in İzmir's public transportation network. The project will start from Seferihisar. The new buses, called İZTAŞIT, will be introduced in the district center on Saturday (December 28th). Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tunç Soyer will also attend the ceremony.

Within the scope of the project, private transportation companies operating in Seferihisar in a scattered manner will be gathered under one roof. The operators of the vehicles joined their forces to buy 28 uniform, new buses. The vehicles are prepared conveniently for public transportation in the İnciraltı Garage of ESHOT General Directorate.


 Electronic Izmirim Eshot Card Will be Used

İZTAŞIT services will start between Seferihisar and Izmir on Sunday (December 29th). As within all public transportation vehicles, passengers will use electronic "İzmirim Kart". Departure times will be visible on ESHOT's website and the ESHOT app, which can be installed on smartphones.

Advantages for the Disabled and over-65 years of age

Disabled people with medical reports (40%) and the gravely disabled citizens with their companions will have "free" bus passes on buses. Citizens over 65 will also be able to use İZTAŞIT free of charge. The electronic İzmirim Kart can be obtained freely with just a photo from izmir Metropolitan Municipality Seferihisar Local Service Directorate.

İZTAŞIT will be supervised by ESHOT

Vehicles, drivers and management systems will be under the supervision of ESHOT. İZTAŞIT drivers will be trained regularly by ESHOT. Seferihisar-Ürkmez Transportation Cooperative (n.43 ) will follow the working Schedule of İZTAŞIT. The data of the fee collection devices (validators) to be installed on İZTAŞIT could be monitored by both the vehicle owners and the Information Processing Department of the General Directorate of ESHOT. The total amount of tickets per vehicle and free rides will be paid to the owners of the vehicles on a regular basis each month.


Frequent drives to each neighbourhood

Only İZTAŞIT buses will provide public transportation services on the Seferihisar-İzmir and Ürkmez-İzmir lines within Seferihisar. İZTAŞIT will go to every neighborhood and village . Existing ESHOT stops will also be used. The risks posed by minibuses in traffic will be quickly eliminated.
It will spread to all district of the city

İZTAŞIT is aimed to serve  throughout the whole Peninsula in the near future, and then in all the surrounding districts of Izmir. Accordingly, the General Directorate of ESHOT continues to negotiate with the management of public transport cooperatives serving in the other districts .